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發布時間: 2023-03-24 06:24:19

1. 英語「人數」怎麼說


2. 多少數量用英語怎麼說

問題一:多少(寬緩數量)用英文怎麼說 how much\how many
how many和howmuch是用來提問多少,的意思,那麼how many和howmuch有什麼區別嗎?
1 所修飾詞的不同
how many用來修飾可數名詞的復數,它的句式是:How many+復數名詞+一般疑問句+?
how much用來修飾不可數名詞,表示數量,也可單獨使用。
2 how many的用法
(1)對there be句型中主語的數量如:some, five, only one等提問時,如果主語是可數名詞,不管主語是單數還是復數一般都用復數形式提問,因為問話人不知道具體的數量是多少,而且many只能接可數名詞復數形式,所以be一定要用are.即用How many+可數名詞復數+are there+地點/時間狀語?的句型結構.例如:
1. There is a book on the desk. (用how many改為特殊疑問句)
How many books are there on the desk?
2. There are seven days in a week. (對劃線部分進行提問)
How many days are there in a week?
how many在句首,名詞復數跟著走,一般問句緊相隨,其它成分不要丟.
3 howmuch的用法
How much milk is there in the glass?玻璃杯里有多少牛奶?
-How much does the pig weigh?這頭豬多重?
-Eighty kilos.八十公斤。
(3)how much 意為「多少錢」時,可單獨使用,也可構成片語慎陸模how much money,但英語中常省略money,用來詢問某物的價錢、價格。
(注意:how much詢問價格時,它的回答若是中國的貨幣單位應採用漢語拼音yuan,fen來表示,幾角常採用幾十分來表示,字母用小寫,且不用復數。例如:
-How much is the eraser?這塊橡皮擦多少錢?-Ninety two fen.九角二分。)
-How much is three plus one?三加一等於多少?
-It''''s four.等於四。

問題二:數量用英語怎麼說 數量
例句: increase or decrease in quantity;
We prefer quality to quantity.
1. 數量變異 meristic variation;
2. 數量標准 quantitative criteria;
3. 數量測量 takeoff;
amount [?'maunt]
vi. 總計,合計;相當於;共計;產生…結果
n. 數量;總額,總數
quantity ['kw?nt?ti]
n. 量,數量;大量;總量
[ 復數quantities ]
希望對你有幫助 如有疑問 請在線交談 祝你天天開心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...

問題三:你們需要多少數量? 用英語怎麼說? How much do you need? 及 How many do you need? 都可以,視乎所指的東西是可數還是不可數的,可數的用How many, 不可數用How much。
This is the lowest price. It can't be lower any more.

問題四:英語翻譯:你們需要多少數量的產品 英語翻譯:你們需要多少數量的產品
How many procts do you need?
What's the quantity of procts do you need?

問題五:每個型號分別需要多少數量?英語怎麼翻譯 How many do you need for each type ?

問題六:你們工廠的總人數是多少用英語怎麼翻譯what isthe ----- ----- ----thew total sum of

問題七:包裝是多少數量英文怎麼說的 你好!
包裝是多少數量What is the packing quantity

問題八:"總人數" 用英語怎麼說? total people

問題九:多少的數量用英語翻譯 還要用上quantity這個單詞 該怎麼翻?how many quantity 還是 how much quantity? What is the quantity ofh?

3. 人人數用英語表達是什麼

人數用英語是the number of people

4. 人數英文


number of people


The rate is calculated by dividing that number by the total number of people in the labor force.

失業率就是用這些人數除以總的勞動人數。The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.

看電影的人數似乎在逐漸下降。White-collar workers are getting laid off in greater numbers than ever before.

白領階級目前被解僱的人數比以往要多。The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region.

該地區神經紊亂患者的歲陵腔人數乎衫在上升。But some states run counter to the national trend and experienced a drop in the population of preschool children.

可是有些州與全國趨勢背道而馳。學齡前兒童人數下降。 He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one

他數了一下在場的人數,總共有21人。The highest prevalence and numbers are in South-East Asia

東南亞維生素A缺乏症最流行,是患者人數最多的'地區。This is the largest North Korean mass defection since the end of the Korean War

他們是自韓戰結束以來逃亡人數最多的一群。The number of people who have had to go on the dole has risen since jobs became harder to find.

自從工作變得難找以後,領取失業救濟金的人數增加。The people flocked to the polling places in greater numbers than ever before in history


n. 數;號碼;算數

v. 給編號;計算,數

The number was fifty.

該數字為五十。There is safety in numbers

人多勢眾It was an irrational number.

汪態這是一個無理數。Which number on the card is a prime number?

在卡片上哪一個數字是最初的數字?The number raised to the logarithm of a designated number in order to proce that designated number.


n. 人,人們;人民,民族;雇員,支持者;客人,朋友;家人,親人

v. 居住在,把...擠滿人

They are the unworldly people.

他們是無俗念的人們。Compare person,persons,people and peoples.

試比較person.persons,people,和people的用法The government of the people, by the people, and for the people shall not perish from the earth.

民有、民治、民享的政府永世長存。The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.

將要加入委員會的是那些有道德、有文化、有能力的人。Could it be applicable only to people in the East and not people in the West?

5. 人數用英語怎麼說

人數: number of people

He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one

They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million

6. 人數的英文

人數的英文是,number of people。



  • The rate is calculated by dividing that number by the total number of people in the labor force.

  • 失業率就是用這些人數除以總的勞動人數。

  • The number of people going to the cinema seems to dwindle steadily.

  • 看電影的人數似乎在逐漸下降。

  • White-collar workers are getting laid off in greater numbers than ever before.

  • 白領階級目前被解僱的人數比以往要多。

  • The number of nervous disorders was rising in the region.

  • 該地區神經紊亂患者的人數在上升。

  • He counted the number of people present and fetched up with twenty-one.

  • 他數了一下在場的人數,總共有21人。

  • The highest prevalence and numbers are in South-East Asia.

  • 東南亞維生素A缺乏症最流棗枝行,是患者人數最多的地區。


    n. 數;號碼;算數。

    v. 給…編號;計凳畢敏算,數。

7. 人數的英文怎麼講

1. 在校的兒童人數有所減少。
There was a decrease in the number of children in school.
2. 新來的難民增加了失業的人數。
The newly-arrived refugees swelled the ranks of the unemployed.
3. 肺癌死亡人數在增多。
The mortality from lung cancer is increasing.
4. 失蹤人數明天公布。
The figures of the missing will be published tomorrow.
5. 班長點了一下人數。
The monitor did a head count.
6. 生育高峰造成學校入學人數的暴漲
The baby boom created a bulge in school enrollment.
7. 明年失業人數將會增加。
There will be a rise in unemployment next year.
8. 上個賽季觀眾人數減少了。
Gates are down on last season.
9. 作戰指揮官常常肢猛桐虛報敵方死亡人數來誇大戰知讓果。
Commanders tend to exaggerate their success with a higher body count.
10. 失業人數減少了百分之三十。歷坦
The decrease in unemployment was 30 percent.
11. 要正確說出傷亡人數是不可能的。
It was impossible to state with accuracy the number of casualties.
12. 今年失業人數總共達五萬人。
The aggregate number of unemployed is fifty thousand this year.
13. 人數, 兵數
the numerical strength
14. 失業人數增加的部分原因可歸於資金抽逃國外。
Rise in unemployment is partly attributable to a flight of money abroad.
15. 傷亡人數達到150人。
The number of casualties added up to 150.
16. 死亡人數上升(至100).
The death toll mounted (to 100).
17. 外國遊客人數達500。
The foreign tourists totalled 500.
18. 外場人數在外場比賽的隊員人數
The members of a team playing in the outfield.
19. 細則規定成員人數應予限制。
The bylaws prescribed that membership should be limited.
20. 參觀人數達數百萬。
Visitors to the exhibition numbered in millions.

8. 人數用英語怎麼說

問題一:人數,英文怎麼說?在線等,謝謝!! Number

問題二:"總人數" 用英語怎麼說? total people

問題三:"總人數"英語怎麼說 Total number of people

問題四:人數的限制」用英語怎麼說 人數的限制 Limit the number of people
limit 英 [?l?m?t] 美 [?l?m?t]
n. 限制; 界限; *** ,限度;
vt. 限制,限定;
[例句]Her love for him was being tested to its limits.

問題五:應參加人察物數 用英文怎麼說 應參加人數
Should participate in the number of
Should participate in the number of

問題六:你們工廠的總人數是多少用英語怎麼翻譯what isthe ----- ----- ----thew total sum of

問題七:應到會人數,實到會人數用英語怎麼說 應到會人茄汪數,實到會人數
The number of people who should be present at the meeting
The number of people who should be present at the meeting

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