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发布时间: 2022-12-25 16:19:51

1. 一共有多少个用英语怎么说

总共in all,altogether;in the aggregate总共有多少人:How many people are there altogether?
1, how many students are there in the classroom and outside the classroom altogether?
2, the number of people who didn't come to school today? / didn't come to work?
3, inside the company, there are many people go on a trip to Shanghai?
4, a total of 56 people, to see the dinner tonight.
5, how many people come to school today? / to work.?
6, today you start / begin from a few days?

2. 例一例二例三用英文怎么说...

eg 1
eg 2
eg 3
example 1 and so on


3. 树上有多少梨的英语怎么说

英语翻译:How many pears are there on the tree ?
注意:on the tree 和 in the tree的意思的区别,前者是表达树上结的,后者表达到树上的。例如:
A bird is singing in the tree.一只鸟正在树上歌唱。
A lot of apples is ripe on the tree.树上(结的)好多苹果🍎熟了。

4. 多少个用英语怎么讲

“多少个”询问可数的数量,英语是“how many”。例句:How many apples are there on the table(桌上有多少个苹果)。

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